Mülheim, Monday, 26 December: Christmas will end on Monday in Mülheim, with seven races between 11:30 am and 2:30 pm. With an Equalisation II over 2,000 metres, there is even a promising handicap in the programme.
The number one candidate for victory was supposed to be Delia (L. Wolff) from the stable of Uwe Schwinn, who still showed some potential for improvement. The Baden winner Lydia (A. Pietsch) can also be counted on again. Her trainer Waldemar Hickst even has a second iron in the fire with Lobelie (B. Ganbat). Marian Falk Weißmeier also has two horses here with Kiaz Apapa (L. Wolff) and Employer (A. v. d. Troost).
In the 1,500 metre competition for the youngest age group, Casall (St. Koyuncu) and Bärbelchen (S. Vogt) are on the verge of a victory. 10,000 euros beckon as a guaranteed payout in the final 7th race (Equalisation IV, 2,000 metres). Antonia von der Recke could score a point in the championship fight of the amateur riders with Little Hercules.