Sunday, December 11, 2022

Cast off in Dortmund: Sand winter starts

Dortmund, Sunday, 11 December: Two weeks before Christmas, the sand track season will start on Sunday, attracting the specialists for this surface to Dortmund once again. Six races will be held here at the premiere between 11:20 am and 1:50 pm. PMU will show the first four races in France.

The highlight is an Equaliser III over 1,800 metres, which could be won by Asaaleeb (M. Cadeddu), who just had victory in sight in Mons. But his conqueror Aradous (St. Koyuncu) will also be in the running again. Especially in the forms from Baden-Baden Laterani (M. Pecheur) seems to be first choice. Lightning Jock (J. Boysen) is the Ausgleich II winner on grass.

10,000 Euros will be paid out in the four-way bet of the 4th race (Equalisation IV, 2,500 m). Orkan von Marlow (J. Boysen) and Smaragd (A. v. d. Troost) are two of the potential horses.