Friday, February 06, 2009

All-weather action at Southwell and Wolverhampton.

Today´s all-weather racing comes from Southwell this afternoon and Wolverhampton this evening, although there is still doubt about the latter meeting with snow still on the track at Wolverhampton, where yesterday´s evening fixture had to be cancelled. Best race at Southwell is the 5 furlongs handicap at 16.30 CET, which looks very tricky. Oldtimer The Tatling (Milton Bradley/ Jack Dean) is not the most consistent these days but always capable of scoring in this company, while the improved Whiskey Creek (Chris Dwyer/ Barry McHugh) is going for a fourtimer. Ann Stokell´ s First Order and CD specialist Wotashirtfull (James Boyle/ Pat Cosgrave) also have their chances, but our preference is for Bo McGinty (Richard Fahey/ Paul Hanagan), third here on Wednesday over 6 furlongs but much better suited by today´s trip. The 7 furlongs maiden race at 17.05 gives Boss Hog (Roger Curtis/ Gabruiel Hannon) the chance to get his head in front at last after finishing second four times running . If racing goes ahead at Wolverhampton, Riguez Dancer (Pat Haslam/ Patrick Donaghy) can complete a quick fourtimer in the 1 1/2 miles handicap at 20.20 despite a huge weight, and Plush, who has won 4 of his last 6 starts, can continue his winning ways for Tom Dascombe and Jim Crowley at 21.20, while Mark Johnston´s St.Moritz can keep his unbeaten record in the 3yo handicap at 22.20.