Bad Harzburg, Saturday, July 22 - It is one of the most popular racing weeks in the entire German gallop year. On Saturday, the five great racing days in Bad Harzburg start with nine tests between 2 pm and 6:20 pm.
Of course, the Superhandicaps stand out once again, which are remarkably highly endowed equalizations over 1,850 meters with 17,500 euros each. In the Equalization III, Agent Sim (T. Scardino) is a domestic owner hope. But there are opportunities en masse here in the large field of 16, as is the long overdue Sky Emperor (S. Terachi). 22,222 euros are on offer in the four-way bet.
In the Equalizer IV counterpart, anything is also possible with 14 participants. 11,111 euros are offered here in the four-way bet. Lady Sand (A. v. d. Recke) and No Stopping Her (M. Pecheur) are two of the many options.