Curragh, Sunday 23 July: The Minstrel Stakes (3rd race/16.00/111,600 pounds/1408m) takes centre stage on the second day of the Festival at the Curragh. The Group 2 test is reminiscent of Romanised, who won the 2019/2020 fixture. Tarawa (Chris Hayes), from the Dermot Weld quarters, is highly rated after her List honours. Aidan O`Brien, who provided the winner for the last two years (Order Of Australia), saddles Salt Lake City (Seamie Heffernan) with early chances. His son Joseph is represented by four contenders. Jumbly (Ryan Moore) and Honey Girl (Dylan Browne McMonagle) should own the best chances. Power Under Me (Colin Keane) will find great following from success in the Amethyst Stakes (Group 3).