Baden-Baden, Thursday, 18 May: The Spring Meeting 2023 is about to begin. And as you would expect from Baden-Baden, the great days on the Oos will start with top-class sport. The outstanding highlight is the 45th Kronimus Badener Meile (Group III, 55,000 euros, 1,600 m).
The starting field knows how to please, as many of the mile stars are in the mix. Western Soldier (S. Vogt) was only narrowly defeated in the Spring Mile in Düsseldorf. Best Lightning (M. Seidl) excelled a year ago. Nano Nagle (P. Bazire) excelled in Hoppegarten and is travelling from France again.
Between 1.30 p.m. and 6.15 p.m., nine races, including the Prize of the Baden-Badener Hotellerie & Gastronomie (Listed race, 25,000 Euros, 2,200 m) for mares, will be enticing. Kolossal (M. Forest) will meet international competition. An Equalisation II over 1,800 metres also enriches the programme. Lord of the Alps (R. Piechulek) and Timotheus (A. Starke) are interesting domestic horses.
The four-horse bet will be played twice. 20,000 Euros are guaranteed in the 5th race (Equalisation IV, 1,400). 10,000 Euros in the 9th race (Equalisation III, 1,800 m).