Dortmund, Sunday, 19 March: It started later than usual, but now the finale is already upon us - the sand track season ends today. Seven races will be held in Dortmund between 11:20 am and 2:25 pm. The first five races are also part of the PMU programme.
In the Steher Equaliser III over 2,500 metres, Sweet Author (A. Mathony) is one of the stars of the winter, but he clearly lost out to Keep Away (A. v. d. Troost). The weight ratio has now shifted in favour of the series winner, so that it could also end the other way round again.
In the Equalisation III over a distance of 1,950 metres, the sand experts will once again do the honours. The recently victorious Aradous (A. Mathony) could do it again.
The four-way bet with a guaranteed payout of 10,000 Euros will be played out in the 5th race (Equalisation IV, 1,700 metres). Stay First (N. Polli) and Amity Island (L.-M. Engels) are two of the options.