Dortmund, Sunday, 22 January: The sand track in Dortmund will once again determine the gallop action in this country this week, with seven competitions between 11:20 am and 2:20 pm, of which the first four races will also be shown in France.
In the Equalisation III over 1,950 metres, Bavaria Iron (T. Scardino) stands to win after his more than successful comeback seven days ago. The veteran Cafe Royal (S. Vogt) makes his comeback after a break of more than three years.
In a 1,950-metre race, Palatina (C. Santangelo) from the stable of Henk Grewe should be a common tip, as she comes from much trickier assignments.
10,000 Euros will be staked in the four-way bet of the 4th race (Equalisation IV, 1,800 metres). Lommerzheim (T. Scardino) and Amarcord (M. Pecheur) are two potential bank horses.