Saturday, December 03, 2022

Over 255,000 euros in the jackpot in Baden-Baden!

Baden-Baden, Saturday, 03 December 2022: Baden Galopp is breaking new ground on Saturday, because for the first time there will be a Winter Magic Race Day in Baden-Baden-Iffezheim with seven races between 10:50 am and 1:55 pm.

The "7gewinnt!" bet is a hot one. 255,662.22 Euros are now in the jackpot after four missed draws! The highlight is the Equalisation II over 2,200 metres, which is very well endowed with 12,000 Euros. Night Ocean (L. Wolff) and Lydia (M. Abik) are likely to be horses with further potential.

In the two-year-old race over 1,800 metres, Serienmond (B. Murzabayev) could now make up for the victory he missed in Halle. Straight (J. Bojko) can also score points directly.

The Equalisation III over 1,600 metres is also appealing. Camiro (B. Murzabayev) might not have reached his limits yet after the Munich impression. The third consecutive score by Moher (W. Panov) is also possible. Over 2,400 metres the match is very open. Lordano (R. Piechulek) showed some potential.

10,000 Euros each are offered in the quadruple bet of the 3rd race (Equalisation IV, 1,800 metres) and in the 6th race (Equalisation III, 1,600 metres).