Baden-Baden, Saturday, 27 August: The start of the Big Week 2022 in Baden-Baden has it all, because already on Saturday, the first of the five great days in Iffezheim, a group race will be held - the 67th Prize of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe (Group III, 55,000 Euros, 2,000 m).
Even though only five horses are competing, the quality is pleasing: Derby runner-up Schwarzer Peter (A. Starke) will naturally find a lot of confidence. Mansour (M. Cadeddu) only has to set the third place from the Spring Grand Prix here. Queroyal (E. Pedroza) is also already profiled as a group winner here. Lord Charming (B. Murzabayev) has been in front several times at this level.
The other card also knows how to please. In the 80th Anniversary Alexa Gräfin zu Solms Cup (Listed race, 25,000 Euros, 2,800 m) it looks favourable for Nubius (B. Murzabayev), who would have deserved a success long ago. Alerta Roja (L. Morris) and the serial winner Akua` rius (R. Piechulek) are certainly strong opponents.
The foursome bet is offered twice. 20,000 Euros are up for grabs in the 5th race (Equalisation III, 1,800 m). 10,000 Euros beckon in the 8th race (Equalisation IV, 2,000 m). Eight races will be run between 1:20 pm and 5:25 pm.