Caen, Monday, June 13: The best class of the day comes to expire today in Caen right at the beginning in the Prix de Thury Harcourt (1st race/13.50 hrs/33,000 euros/2450 m). The winner is to be sought in the first band. Gaspard (David Thomain) was a good third here in a similar match despite allowance. The six-year-old stands more favorably in the lot this time and is in contention for the very front. Get Up des Plaines (Pierre Houel) performs well in the province. His last win was in the spring on this course in a handicap. Frozen Queen (Adrien Lamy), Gaz d`Occagnes (Anthony Barrier) and Gitane du Rib (Carine Hallais-Deroir) are all fresh winners and not to be excluded in any consideration. Garde a Vous (Yoann Lebourgeois) has two bull`s-eyes to his credit from Fougeres. Current stayed within his capabilities over grass and with allowance. Fiesta du Belver (Benjamin Rochard) sold himself magnificently in a `Course A` in third place, but needs to add 25 meters of effort.