Hoppegarten, Sunday, 05 June: Whit Sunday is always a high holiday also in gallop racing. This time Hoppegarten is again in the spotlight, because the Diana Trial (Group III, 55,000 Euros, 2,000 m) is a "warm-up" for the Prize of Diana at the beginning of August. It will be interesting to see which three-year-old class mare will be recommended for the classic.
Toskana Belle (A. Sanna), who made a big impression at List level in Düsseldorf and was entered in the field by late entry, seems to be very dangerous, which also applies to Iraklia (B. Murzabayev), a track winner, among others. Well Disposed (M. Pecheur) and Wagnis (A. Starke) could continue the success series of trainer Markus Klug. The former defeated the subsequently impressive Nerik. Wagnis might have only failed against a strong competitor in Mülheim. Barina (S. Vogt) should improve soon.
The four-horse bet attracts twice - with 44,444 Euros guaranteed payout in the 8th race (Equalisation IV, 1,600 m) and 11,111 Euros guaranteed in the 10th race (Equalisation III, 2,000 m).