Düsseldorf, 10 April - The stars of racing are returning to the German racecourses - on Sunday, it all kicks off with the first Group Race 2022 in Düsseldorf. The Spring Mile (Group III, 55,000 Euros, 1,600 m) attracts real aces.
Last year`s winner Zavaro (M. Cadeddu) will have to work hard to defend his title, as he will face strong competition, such as Mythico (R. Piechulek), who won the Mehl-Mülhens race in 2021. In 2020, the later Galopper of the Year Rubaiyat (A. Sanna) was second in the Cologne classic. Certainly not to be left out is the Frenchman Ocean (B. Murzabayev).
In total, the programme includes ten races between 11:20 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., including of course a betting chance with a 10,000 euro guaranteed payout in the four-horse bet of the 10th race (Equalisation IV, 1,700 m). Here, New Topmodel (S. Biessey) and Dutch Devil (B. Murzabayev) are our recommendations. The first five tests will also be offered in France.