6 Meetings today, 3 in the afternoon and 3 in the evening, but almost all at a very low grade, and the only race above class 3 Level is the listed mile race at 20.20 at Windsor this evening. The much-improved Ocean Tempest (John Ryan/ Adam Kirby) is the logical choice here; he won his last 3 races in 2013 and then spent the winter in Meydan without much to show for this pains -on third place in 6 starts- but has been in great from since returning to the U.K. He won the Lincoln off a big weight - the runner-up has since won a Grpup 2- and last time out won a .listed race at Ascot easily enough with 2 of today´s rivals behind: Fencing (John Gosden/ Rab Havlin) in 4th, and Baltic Knight well back. The former may get closer today on 4 lbs better terms, but the main danger is probably Out of Bounds (Saeed bin Suroor/ Silvestre de Sousa), who is however coming off a long break. We also like the ambitiously-named Der Meister (Andrew Balding/ Oisin Murphy) here an hour later; he is out of as Big Shuffle mare but seems to stay well enough.
Easily the best jumps race at the 2 N.H.meetings this evening is the Killarney National at 20.10. Most Nationals are over much longer distances, but this Irish one is only 2 3/4 miles, but it is still quite competitive. The two with the best recent form are Usuel Smurfer (Shark Hanlon/ Danny Mullins) and She´s Got Grit (Tom O´Brien/ Paul Townend), but Miss Pepperpot (Francis Flood/ Mark Enright) won this last year off a higher rating and despite her poor recent form might be able to double up off a very low weight.