Big race in France today is the Group Two Prix Greffulhe for 3yo´s over 2000 metres at 15.20 at Saint-Cloud. This always an important Derby trial and Andre Fabre holds a strong hand here with the unbeaten Cutlass Bay (Frankie Dettori) as well as Cavalryman (Johan Victoire), both owned by Sheikh Mohammed. Cutlass Bay´s two wins so far came in very minor races, but the fact that Frankie is flying over is obviously significant. Topclas (Patrick Demercastel/ Stephane Pasquier) has the highest rating in the field, but Allybar (Carlos Laffon-Parias/ Olivier Peslier) could be a greater threat. Also at Saint-Cloud, Le Miracle (Werner Baltromei/ Gerald Mosse) runs in the 3100 metres race at 16.20; in anywhere near top form, he would win this, but the very soft ground in not in his favour. Baltromei also saddles Sumatra Tiger (Frederic Spanu) in the claiming race over 2100 metres at 16.50. There is also PMU racing from Strasbourg, with the usual huge number of German-trained entries - 23 in total, although there may be some non-runners. In our opinion, 13yo Standby Dancer and Alvarado, both trained by Dr.Bolte and partnered by Jiri Palik, have good chances at 15.05 and 15.35 respectively, as well as Zolinas (Wolfgang Gülcher/ Eric Wehrel) in the 2100 metres handicap at 16.05 and Wellango (Hans Blume/ Henk Grewe) in the second division at 17.05. Standby Dancer´s prospects would be improved by further rain, as would also be the chances of Nardello (Karl Thomas/ Jan Korpas) in the hurdle race at 16.35.