A good Saturday card today at Deauville, with 2 listed races as the main features, and a mass invasion of German-trained runners, 15 in all, running in 7 of the 9 races on the card. No fewer than 6 run in the listed sprint over 1000 metres at 16.20: Sacho (Wilffried Kujath/ Alxi Baden), Mood Music (Mario Hofer/ Maxime Guyon), Smarten Die (Erika Mäder/ Jean-Pierre Carvalho); Etoile Nocturne (Werner Baltromei/ Dominique Boeuf), Acotango (Mäder/ Marvin Suerland) and probably the best of them Best Joking (Werner Hefter/ Johan Victoire). However they face a stiff task against the two British speedballs Corrybrough (Henry Candy/ Olivier Peslier) and Inxile (David and Adrian Nicholls). The mile handicap has had to be divided into 4 divisions, with Ziethe (Andreas Trybul/ Adrie de Vries) running in the first, and best, division at 14.45, Naxon (Baltromei/ Boeuf) in the third division at 17.55 and Fancy Running (Trybuhl/ de Vries) in the fourth and easiest at 18.25. Triple Beat (Hofer/ Boeuf) and Bebe Vettori (Waldemar Hickst/ Christophe Soumillon) both run in the mile conditions race at 15.15, while Diacaro (Hans Blume/ Katarina Werning) and Wild Tiger (Sascha Smcrzek/ Berengere Picart) go for the ladies race on sand at 16.55. The final German runner is Uwe Ostmann´s Omonia (VIctoire) in the 2000 metres claiming race at 17.25, while if the ground is soft, the German-owned and-bred Tempelstern (Henry Cecil/ Olivier Peslier) can take the listed race over 2500 metres at 15.45.